is an empty website; it becomes whatever the local businesses posts to it.
They can post messages, fun selfies, alerts, reminders, events, or deals for the neighborhood.
For  Local Businesses is a shared website for local businesses, schools, and organizations.

With, you can easily post a fun selfie showing your company, products, or services.
Feature and Limitation: messages are deleted after just 2 hours, so you can use different messages to target customers at different times of the day, based on optimal times to drive business.
Quick, temporary messages can create a sense of excitement and urgency for purchase.
For the Neighborhood is a simple, generic website for your ZIP code.

With, you can quickly check if there are any alerts, announcements, events, or deals within your zip codes.
Feature and Limitation: continuously empties content that is older than 2 hours, to make its space more useful, and keep you up to date.